The Syrian Democratic Council

Statement by Women of Political Parties of the Syrian Democratic Council

After twelve years of the launch of the Syrian Revolution, which was eliminated for various reasons, some of which were related to the nature of the regime in Damascus, its dealing with the revolution, and others were related to the Revolution itself, and despite the fact that women were active in the revolutionary movement, they were soon excluded and marginalized in most areas.

Today, the popular movement is renewed in most Syrian cities, in Aleppo, Syrian coast cities, Suwayda and Daraa, to achieve the demands of freedom and dignity after those years have tired heavily Syrians due to the deterioration of economic conditions, destruction of infrastructure, lack of minimum living conditions in most areas, not to mention displacement and refuge, and the persistence of basic issues without any solutions, such as the national identity, non-participation of Syrians in managing their affairs, marginalization of women’s role, non-acceptance of the regime in Damascus any solution that isn’t related to central administration.

Syrian women have a leading and prominent role in initiating this movement and its continuity, and they were essential partners in making the history of new and modern Syria, in order to achieve the legitimate demands of Syrians for pluralism and democracy.

Based on the national responsibility and for ending the suffering of Syrians and the serious situation that threatens the country, we as women of political parties of the Syrian Democratic Council support and stand by the revolutionary movement that is launched in most Syrian regions and especially women’s struggle, and we hope that the movement will remain peaceful, and achieve positive results as the revolution of North and East of Syria, and to ensure the success of the Revolution, women must play their organized role in leading the revolutionary movement, and unify their ranks. We call on all Syrian women to stand in solidarity and create a Syrian women’s union that pressures all Syrian parties to accept the intra-Syrian dialogue and find a permanent and comprehensive resolution for the Syrian issue.

We call on international women’s organizations to support the struggle of Syrian women, as we demand the international community to pressure the regime in Damascus to abide by UN resolutions related to women, and implement UN Resolution 2254 to expedite finding the desired political resolution for the Syrian crisis.
Women of Political Parties of the Syrian Democratic Council
On August 27th, 2023

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