The Syrian Democratic Council

Euphrates Tribes Express Their Support for the Security Enhancement Campaign

The sheikhs and notables of the tribes of the Euphrates regions affirmed their support for the security enhancement campaign launched by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor for about a week.

That came during a meeting organized by the Relations Bureau of the Syrian Democratic Council, attended by most of the sheikhs, elders and notables of the tribes of Raqqa, Tabqa, Kobani and Manbij, at the SDC meeting hall in Raqqa.

The sheikhs and notables demanded not to be deceived into a discord plotted by the parties that seek to stir up a strife, and they should stand by the Autonomous Administration and support it to eliminate corruption and drugs trafficking and their promoters, and improve the service, economic and living situation.

On the other hand, the sheikhs and elders called on the people to be alert to such seditions, and to empower the Internal Front and activate the role of tribes to resolve issues in the region and contribute to the intra-Syrian dialogue to resolve the crisis of the Syrian people.

During the meeting, Amal Dada, head of the Relations Bureau of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), praised the great ability of the tribes in northeastern Syria to participate in achieving security and stability in the region socially, administratively, politically and militarily.

Following that, Kamel al-Hazbar, a member of the Relations Bureau of the SDC, spoke about the crises that countries are exposed to, including Syria, where the regional environment tries to prolong it. Al-Hazbar focused on the national position of the sheikhs and elders and maintaining security and stability in the region against external mobilization.

It is worth noting that everyone agreed that what happened in Deir ez-Zor was an attempt to eliminate the popular movement in Suwayda and southern Syria, as well as security and stability that the region enjoy, and to fabricate a sedition, in addition to targeting infrastructure that serves the
people of the region.

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